-Kinesiology -Intuitive Guidance -Counselling -Energy Healing

If Clarity Empowerment & Wellbeing is what you are seeking, Natalie Nicholson is your go to. 

Her unique ability to intuit what is really going on and what is needed to effect change is renowned.

No matter your questions, problems or issues, Natalies assistance makes all the difference.  

Change is possible, sometimes we just need a good dose of insightful wisdom, a dash of deep energetic healing and a nudge in the right direction.

Give yourself the ultimate gift and book a consultation with Natalie today


Stress Management/Trauma release

Receive assistance to deeply ease your current stress and/or help unwind past trauma in the nervous system. Allow the mind and body to fully relax. Then explore with Natalie how to keep it that way.


Natalie will help you understand and navigate intimate, family, friendship or work relationships. Change your thought feeling and behaviour patterns and create easier healthy fulfilling relationships.

Childrens Problems and Parenting

Natalie will use her unique insight and skills to dive deep into what is troubling your child or disrupting your family. Once there is clarity, she will help you make lasting changes.

Anxiety or Depression

Assistance from Natalie will help calm the anxiety and clear the depression weighing you down.. Explore why you are feeling anxious or depressed (often unconscious) and learn how you can truly be in a much better place.

Health Issues

Natalie will use her unique ability to see what stress/emotions/thoughts/attitude patterns may be contributing to or causing imbalance in your body/mind and what may be needed to assist change.

Emotional/Mental Patterns

Natalie can very quickly pin point the emotions, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and patterns contributing to your problems or unhappiness in your life. By becoming fully aware of your programming which is often unconcious , you will feel clear and empowered for change.

Learn to Meditate

Learn to meditate.. Gain the tools to calm and centre yourself. Allow yourself assistance to create an easy daily practice that initiates calm and empowers you to have far greater control of your reactions in life.

Self Esteem and Confidence

Receive assistance to pinpoint and let go of old negative thoughts and feelings about yourself. Learn to move forward with a positive, empowered, confident attitude and strong belief in yourself.

What customers are saying

"What a beneficial rewarding and eye opening experience! Natalie hits the nail on the head every time! I am constantly in awe of her ability to bring me never before experienced calm, relaxation, self-awareness and clarity.
I have had some revolutionary shifts in old patterns and negative emotions I had been storing for a lifetime, which were holding me back in life. She is amazing and I highly recommend her to everyone whose path I cross."
Beck Rocchi
Beck Rocchi Photography - Byron Bay Australia

My son had night terrors every single night for 3 years. One consultation with Natalie and all the terrors have stopped. Simply amazing!
Even more amazing, its all by phone and she didn’t even speak to my son.

Jayne M
London UK

“Ive spent so much money on psychologists.. In two sessions with Natalie my life has changed! I feel fantastic! 

Rose P
Sydney Australia

“Natalies work with children is incredible. My 6 year old sons anxiety is dramatically improved and he finally goes to school happy with out me needing to pry him off me and leave him crying. Amazingly, its all done without her even having met myself or my son.” 

Jess P
California USA

“Natalie has instantly calmed my anxiety, cured me of neck and shoulder pain, and helped me feel safe to open my blocked heart and welcome true love into my life. She has changed my life for the better with her truly special gift.” 

Mary S
Bali Indonesia

” After being in pain for 6 months I’m happy that the pain in my body gradually eased over 3 consultations with Natalie. I am super pleased to say its gone and hasn’t returned after 2 months”

Jenny J
Taupo New Zealand

“A beautiful, warm and talented kinesiologist whom I highly recommend to anyone wanting to make positive changes to their life. Working with Natalie helped me release negative thoughts and patterns which changed my relationship with myself, my partner and improved the quality of my life dramatically.” 

Sophie C
Byron Bay Australia


Natalie Nicholson – Founded Byron Bay Kinesiology in 2011 and Telehealth Kinesiology more recently. She has been in the wellness industry for 30 years and has trained in multiple modalities in that time.

Her life experience and training in Kinesiology, Counselling, Medical Intuition, Meditation, Massage, Reiki, Nutrition, Fitness and much more all contribute to her unique style of working that affects deep and lasting change for her clients.

Natalie is well known and respected for her warmth, integrity and down to earth approach, and for the efficacy of her work, which befits her clients’ recommendations. Natalie’s clientele has built from word of mouth, many saying of this happily married mother of adult children and grandchildren, “I don’t know what she does, but whatever it is, it just works and I feel great. Work with her!”
She is a committed healing professional and full member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists.

What does Natalie work with?

Everything! Natalie’s specialties include physical illnesses, relationship problems, anxiety, depression, old stuck patterns of behaviour and experiences, self sabotage, confidence and self esteem issues, addictions, OCD, Trauma, phobias and fears, anorexia and bulimia, grief and loss, digestive and hormonal problems. 

She treats many and any issues and works extremely well with children through a parent.

Often her clients have tried many things before coming to her and are losing faith that they will ever shift their issues. 

However, by working together, using Counselling, Kinesiology, Intuition and her unique Energy Healing Technique she has countless examples of helping clients all over the world complete serious long-term issues and begin creating happiness and health they never thought possible.

Natalie says, “I want my clients to come away with the experience of feeling empowered and more connected to themselves and others. I want them to have clarity about themselves and their lives and to feel a real and positive shift in their thinking and feeling.”


Consultations are booked online 

Your first Appointment is 60 Min duration and is $195 

Further consultations range in price and duration

Consultations are by Phone or Email

Payment methods include Stripe Credit Card or Bank Transfer



“It is inherent in our nature to be peaceful and happy. We have the power within us to restore ourselves to that natural state.”

Find your happiness, peace and balance

Contact Us

“It is inherent in our nature to be peaceful and happy. We have the power within us to restore ourselves to that natural state.”

Find your happiness, peace and balance today



+61 408 870 787

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